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"A junkie is someone who uses their body to tell society that something is wrong."---Stellar Adler, American actor and teacher
A drug is defined as a medicine or other substance which has a psychological effect when ingested or otherwise introduced into the body with the intent of affecting the structure or function of the body.
Some pharmaceutical drugs can be considered a necessary evil. However, drugs, whether legal or not, is never to our good. When we speak of drugs, we are speaking of tranquilizers and other OTC and prescription drugs and street drugs such as opium, cocaine, marijuana, peyote, angel dust, LSD, crack heroin, and the drug of choice for a lot of today's teens, sniffing glue.
Even though today, the devastating effects of drugs are well documented, people continue to take them. No matter what the type of drug, a person will eventually be ruined by them, especially when taken over long periods of time. Drug use can impair you physically, mentally, and spiritually for the rest of your life--even after you stop taking them.
Prescription drugs are regulated by FDA (Food and Drug Administration). The Food and Drug Administration is responsible for protecting the public health by ensuring the safety, efficacy, and security of human and veterinary drugs, biological products, and medical devices; and by ensuring the safety of our nation's food supply, cosmetics, and products that emit radiation. Yet, dozens of medications used to treat high blood pressure have been recalled over the past several months as federal investigators discover potentially cancer-causing impurities in them. When American Health Packaging recalled one lot of valsartan pills on March 7, the Public Interest Research Group said it was the 75th recall of blood pressure medications since the problem first appeared. These common prescription drugs include valsartan, losartan, and irbesartan in different combinations and from different manufacturers. The Vioxx recall occurred based on findings from the APPROVe trial (Adenomatous Polyp Prevention on Vioxx). The trial showed that after 18 months, those who took 25 milligrams of Vioxx had an increased risk of cardiovascular problems, such as heart attacks and strokes, compared to those receiving the placebo. Allegedly, numerous deaths occurred due to the increased risk of cardiovascular problems from taking Vioxx.
One of the major concerns with prescription and OTC drugs are the side effects. While they may address or fix an immediate issue, they may at the same time cause other equally devastating issues.
These drugs can have over 100 street names. They are all highly addictive, all can pose the risks of brain damage, cancer, miscarriage, fetal deformity, and all can take over and just wreck your life.
Cocaine (aka coke, blow, snow, crack) is a psychoactive stimulant which can increase risk for heart attack, sudden death, and HIV, to mention a few.
Glue Sniffing is the inhaling of vapors or gases from a broad range of household and industrial chemicals which can cause mental deterioration and respiratory failure.
Heroin (aka black tar) is a derivative of morphine and can be cut with poisonous material. It can increase the risk of HIVs, coma, collasped veins, and pneumonia.
LSD (aka acid, blotter, trips, dots) has potent mood-changing chemicals. Increases risk for acute depression, hallucinations, and schizophrenia.
Peyote (aka bad seed, p, half moon) is a small cactus that can increase the risk for hallucinations, elevate blood and heart rates, feelings of terror, and suicidal thoughts.
Tranquilizers (aka sedatives, downers, sleeping pills) pose the risk of addiction, potential to overdose, and irrational behavior.
Opium is a narcotic drug that is obtained from the unripe seedpods of the opium poppy (Papaver somniferum), a plant of the family Papaveraceae these derivatives such as morphine, codeine, and heroin obtained from it are called opiates which can cause physical and mental deterioration, addictions, and shortens life.
Marijuana (aka weed, pot, bud, Mary Jane, herb, cannabis) has mind-altering chemicals. The use of marijuana affects people differently. Some experience euphoria while others hell. It can increase heart and blood rates. It can cause anxiety and irrational behavior. Currently, the legalization of marijuana for medicinal purposes is underway.
Amphetamines (aka speed, fast, uppers, whiz) are synthetic, addictive, mood-altering drugs, used illegally as a stimulant and legally as a prescription drug to treat children with ADD and adults with narcolepsy.
Opioids are a class of drugs that include the illegal drug heroin, synthetic opioids such as fentanyl, and pain relievers available legally by prescription, such as oxycodone (OxyContin®), hydrocodone (Vicodin®), codeine, morphine, and many others. Opioids can cause side effects such as drowsiness, mental fog, nausea, and constipation. They may also cause slowed breathing, which can lead to overdose deaths.
For brochures and more information on street drugs, visit
We encourage you to love yourself and seek professional help and read, read, and read more. While the world may seem dark, taking drugs only makes it darker. Do reach out to the many agencies that help you with your struggles. If you need spiritual guidance, please visit
Call 1-800-662-4357 for immediate help!
Please, please do not take your own life. It may seem that bad, but it solves nothing--too final. We love you! Yes, we do!
Embellir Corporation
359 Main Street, Suite A Gallaway TN 38036 US 901.687.3310